International EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA)

International Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (EuroVAST)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      14th EuroVA@EuroVis 2023: Leipzig, Germany

      13th EuroVA@EuroVis 2022: Rome, Italy

      12th EuroVA@EuroVis 2021: virtual

      11th EuroVA@Eurographics/EuroVis 2020: Norrköping, Sweden

      10th EuroVA@EuroVis 2019: Porto, Portugal

      9th EuroVA@EuroVis 2018: Brno, Czech Republic

      8th EuroVA@EuroVis 2017: Barcelona, Spain

      7th EuroVA@EuroVis 2016: Groningen, The Netherlands

      6th EuroVA@EuroVis 2015: Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy

      5th EuroVA@EuroVis 2014: Swansea, UK

      4th EuroVA@EuroVis 2013: Leipzig, Germany

      3rd EuroVA@EuroVis 2012: Vienna, Austria

      2nd EuroVA@EuroVis 2011: Bergen, Norway

      1st EuroVAST@EuroVis 2010: Bordeaux, France