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9th DH 2014: Lausanne, Switzerland
- 9th Annual International Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations, DH 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland, 8-12 July 2014, Conference Abstracts. Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) 2014
Long Papers
- Christopher J. Prom:
Constructing Scientific Archives that Support Humanistic Research. - Natalia Caldas, Élika Ortega, Antonio Jiménez-Mavillard, David Brown, Juan-Luis Suárez:
The Landscapes of Casta Paintings: Depictions of Social Anxieties in XVIII Century New Spanish Art. - Burak Pak, Johan Verbeke:
Geoweb 2.0 and Design Empowerment: A Critical Evaluation of Eleven Cases. - Javier de la Rosa Pérez, Natalia Caldas, Nandita Dutta, Juan-Luis Suárez:
The Changing Canon of Beauty: Facial Attractiveness in the Representation of Human Faces in World Painting. - Doug Reside:
Crowdsourcing Performing Arts History with NYPL's ENSEMBLE. - Dustin Grue:
Does mean?: Disambiguating word sense and ideology in British and American orthographic variants. - Adiel Ben-Shalom, Yaacov Choueka, Nachum Dershowitz, Roni Shweka, Lior Wolf:
Where is my Other Half? - David Mimno, Peter M. Broadwell, Timothy R. Tangherlini:
The Telltale Hat: LDA and Classification Problems in a Large Folklore Corpus. - Ann Gow, Laura Molloy, Leo Konstantelos:
DigCurV: curriculum framework for digital curation in the cultural heritage sector. - Glenn Roe, Clovis Gladstone, Robert Morrissey:
Discourses and Disciplines in the Enlightenment: Topic Modeling the French Encyclopédie. - Simon Fuller, James O'Sullivan:
Beyond Style: Literary Capitalism and the Publishing Industry. - Lukas Georgieff, Marc Wilhelm Küster, Thomas Selig, Martin Sievers:
XML-Print. Typesetting arbitrary XML documents in high quality. - Toby Burrows, Deb Verhoeven, Alex Hawker:
Socially-Derived Linking and Data Sharing within a Virtual Laboratory for the Humanities. - Marc Alexander, Wendy Anderson:
A Digital Metaphor Map for English. - Alessandro Marchetti, Rachele Sprugnoli, Sara Tonelli:
Sentiment Analysis for the Humanities: the Case of Historical Texts. - Hugh Houghton, Martin Sievers, Catherine Smith:
The Workspace for Collaborative Editing. - Elena Pierazzo, Geoffroy Noël:
Modelling digital editing: of texts, documents and works. - Patrick Juola:
The Rowling Case: A Proposed Standard Analytic Protocol for Authorship Questions. - Gunter Vasold:
Process Data for Digital Scholarly Editions. - Élika Ortega, Silvia Gutiérrez:
MapaHD: Exploring Spanish and Portuguese Speaking DH Communities. - Doug Reside:
Using Computer Vision to Improve Image Metadata. - Roberto Rosselli Del Turco:
Mixed data, mixed audience: building a flexible platform for the Visionary Cross project. - Paul Gooding:
Exploring Usage of Digital Newspaper Archives through Web Log Analysis: A Case Study of Welsh Newspapers Online. - Claire Warwick, Simon Mahony, Samantha Rayner, The INKE Team:
The dog that didn't bark: A longitudinal study of reading behaviour in physical and digital environments. - Marie Saldaña:
An Integrated Approach to the Procedural Modeling of Ancient Cities and Buildings. - Joanna Swafford:
Integrating Score and Sound: "Augmented Notes" and the Advent of Interdisciplinary Publishing Frameworks. - Julia Flanders, Elizabeth Maddock Dillon:
From Markup to Analysis: Culture Claims and Code in the Digital Archive. - Oliver Streiter, Yoann Goudin:
Creating a Digital Tombstone Archive: From Fieldwork to Theory Formation. - Marc-Antoine Nüssli, Frédéric Kaplan:
Encoding Metaknowledge for Historical Databases. - Robert Carvais, Emmanuel Chateau:
Matérialiser et rendre perceptible la transmission orale du savoir. L'édition électronique des cours d'Antoine Desgodets à l'Académie royale d'architecture en France, 1719-1728. - Uta Hinrichs, Beatrice Alex, Jim Clifford, Aaron Quigley:
Trading Consequences: A Case Study of Combining Text Mining & Visualisation to Facilitate Document Exploration. - Annelen Brunner:
An XML annotation schema for speech, thought and writing representation. - Matthew Munson:
Tracking Semantic Drift in Ancient Languages: The Bible as Exemplar and Test Case. - Marilyn Deegan:
Digital Cultural Heritage and the Healing of a Nation: Digital Sudan. - Koichi Yasuoka, Naoki Yamazaki, Christian Wittern, Yoshihiro Nikaido, Tomohiko Morioka:
A Morphological Analysis of Classical Chinese Texts. - Yannick Rochat, Melanie Fournier, Andrea Mazzei, Frédéric Kaplan:
A Network Analysis Approach of the Venetian Incanto System. - Kim Martin, Anabel Quan-Haase:
Designing the next big thing: Randomness versus serendipity in DH tools. - Monika Salzbrunn, Simon Mastrangelo:
Digital Humanities Empowering through Arts and Music. Tunisian Representations of Europe through music and video clips. - Elizabeth Grumbach, Matthew Christy, Laura Mandell, Clemens Neudecker, Loretta Auvil, Todd Samuelson, Apostolos Antonacopoulos:
Navigating the Storm: eMOP, Big DH Projects, and Agile Steering Standards. - Mark Algee-Hewitt, Laura Eidem, Ryan Heuser, Anita Law, Tanya Llewellyn:
The Cryptic Novel: A Computational Taxonomy of the Eighteenth-Century Literary Field. - Lisa Rhody:
The Story of Stopwords: Topic Modeling an Ekphrastic Tradition. - Allen E. Tullos:
"Needless To Say": Articulating Digital Publishing Practices as Strategies of Cultural Empowerment. - Diane Jakacki, Katherine M. Faull:
Digital learning in an undergraduate context: promoting long term student-faculty (and community) collaboration in the Susquehanna Valley, PA. - Trevor Muñoz, Jennifer Guiliano:
Making Digital Humanities Work. - Brett Barney, Brian L. Pytlik Zillig:
Leaves of Grass: Data Animation and XML Technologies. - Jill Belli:
Unhappy? There's an App for That: Digital Happiness, Data Mining, and Networks of Well-Being. - Caleb Derven, Aja Teehan, John G. Keating:
Mapping and Unmapping Joyce: Geoparsing Wandering Rocks. - Florentina Armaselu:
The Layered Text. From Textual Zoom, Text Network Analysis and Text Summarisation to a Layered Interpretation of Meaning. - Anouk Lang:
The social pleasure of the text: Applying digital humanities methods to reception studies. - Syd Bauman:
Problems in Modeling Transactions. - Michael B. Toth, R. Douglas Emery:
When Kidnapping is but One Risk: Digital Studies Challenge Scholarly and Regional Cultures. - Christof Schöch, Allen Riddell:
Progress Through Regression. Modeling Style across Genre in French Classical Theater. - Claudia S. Bianchini, Fabrizio Borgia, Maria De Marsico:
Riorganizzare SignWriting per favorire la ricerca linguistica sulle Lingue dei Segni. - Michael Sperberg-McQueen, Yves Marcoux, Claus Huitfeldt:
Transcriptional implicature: a contribution to markup semantics. - Peter Fornaro, Andreas Wassmer, Lukas Rosenthaler, Rudolf Gschwind:
Monolith: Materialised Bits, the Digital Rosetta Film. - Katherine Bode:
Mining a ‘Trove': Modelling a Transnational Literary Culture. - Øyvind Eide:
Sequence, Tree and Graph at the Tip of Your Java Classes. - Jérôme Jacquin, Xavier Gradoux:
IMPACT: un dispositif de transcription et de commentaire de l'oral, pour l'enseignement et la recherche. - Tomás Ó Murchú, Séamus Lawless:
The Problem of Time and Space: The Difficulties in Visualising Spatiotemporal Change in Historical Data. - María Isabel Hidalgo Urbaneja:
Open content production in museums. A discourse and critical analysis of the museum in the digital age. - Stefan Jänicke, Annette Geßner, Marco Büchler, Gerik Scheuermann:
5 Design Rules for Visualizing Text Variant Graphs. - Brenton Sullivan:
A Large Database Approach to Cultural History. - Ben Miller, Ayush Shrestha, Jennifer Olive:
Visualizing Computational, Transversal Narratives from the World Trade Towers. - Deb Verhoeven, Bronwyn Coate, Colin Arrowsmith, Alwyn Davidson:
Kinomatics: big cultural data and the study of cinema. - Elena González-Blanco, Levente Seláf, María Gimena del Rio Riande, Clara Isabel Martínez Cantón, María Dolores Martos Pérez:
Building a metrical ontology as a model to link digital poetic repertoires. - Cristina Marras, Arianna Ciula:
Circling around texts and language: towards ‘pragmatic modelling' in Digital Humanities. - Lukas Rosenthaler, Peter Fornaro, Claire Clivaz:
National Data Curation and Service Center for Digital Research Data in the Humanities. - Martin Unold, Felix Lange:
Relating texts to 3D-information: A generic software environment for Spatial Humanities. - Richard Edwards:
Potential Criticism in the Digital Humanities. - D. Fox Harrell, Dominic Kao, Chong-U Lim, Jason Lipshin, Ainsley Sutherland:
The Chimeria Platform: User Empowerment through Expressing Social Group Membership Phenomena. - Caroline Sporleder, Susanne Fertmann, Tim Krones, Robert Kolatzek, Isolde Teufel:
Converting Medieval Documents into a Searchable Database. - Tomoji Tabata:
Stylometry of Collaborations: Dickens, Collins and their collaborative writings. - Alex Christie, Stephen Ross, Jentery Sayers, Katie Tanigawa, INKE-MVP Research Team:
Z-Axis Scholarship: Modeling How Modernists Write the City. - Nuria Rodríguez-Ortega:
Canon, value and artistic culture: critical inquiry about the new processes of assigning value in the digital realm. - Wen-Huei Cheng, Jui-Sung Yang, Wei-Yun Chiu, Chao-Lin Liu, Guantao Jin, Qingfeng Liu:
Ideas, Events and Actions: The Digital Humanity Study of the Concept Formation in Modern China. - Suzan van Dijk, Ronald Haentjens Dekker, Henriette Partzsch, Montserrat Prats Lopez, Amelia Sanz, Gertjan Filarski:
Digitizing Women's Literary History: The Possibility Of Collaborative Empowerment? - Anton Raymund duPlessis, Laura Mandell, James Creel, Alexey Maslov:
Distributed "Forms of Attention": eMOP and the Cobre Tool. - Jan Christoph Meister, Janina Jacke:
Pushing Back the Boundary of Interpretation: Concept, Practice and Relevance of a Digital Heuristic. - David L. Hoover:
Tuning the Word Frequency List. - David L. Hoover:
Making Waves: Algorithmic Criticism Revisited. - Joel Katelnikoff:
\/\/ÆΓÑing: A Conceptual Parsing of ASCII Character Substitutions. - Marc Alexander, Jean Anderson, Alistair Baron, Fraser Dallachy, Christian Kay, Scott Piao, Paul Rayson:
Metaphor, Popular Science and Semantic Tagging: Distant Reading with the Historical Thesaurus of English. - David E. Beel, Gemma Webster, Chris Mellish, Claire Wallace:
CURIOS: Connecting and Empowering Community Heritage through Linked Data. - Alastair Dunning, Clemens Neudecker:
Representation and Absence in Digital Resources: The Case of Europeana Newspapers. - Anastasia Bonch-Osmolovskaya, Boris Orekhov:
Distant reading of naïve poetry: corpora comparison as research methodology. - Stéfan Sinclair, Geoffrey Rockwell:
Towards an Archaeology of Text Analysis Tools. - Tobias Gradl, Andreas Henrich:
A novel approach for a reusable federation of research data within the arts and humanities. - Paul Caton:
Six terms fundamental to modelling transcription. - Graham Alexander Sack, Daniel Wu, Benji Zusman:
Simulating the Cultural Evolution of Literary Genres. - Thorsten Ries:
Harddrive Philology: Analysing the Writing Process on Thomas Kling's Archived Laptops. - Graham Alexander Sack, Mark A. Finlayson, Pablo Gervás:
Computational Models of Narrative: Using Artificial Intelligence to Operationalize Russian Formalist and French Structuralist Theories. - Mark Algee-Hewitt, Ryan Heuser, Maria Kraxenberger, J. D. Porter, Jonny Sensenbaugh, Justin Tackett:
The Stanford Literary Lab Transhistorical Poetry Project Phase II: Metrical Form. - Lauren Tilton, Peter Leonard, Taylor B. Arnold:
Photogrammar: Organizing Visual Culture through Geography, Text Mining, and Statistical Analysis. - Ian N. Gregory, Christopher Donaldson, Patricia Murrieta-Flores, C. J. Rupp, Alistair Baron, Andrew Hardie, Paul Rayson:
Digital approaches to understanding the geographies in literary and historical texts. - Rainer Simon, Elton T. E. Barker, Pau de Soto Cañamares, Leif Isaksen:
Pelagios 3: Towards the semi-automatic annotation of toponyms in early geospatial documents. - Smiljana Antonijevic, Ellysa Stern Cahoy:
Tracing Workflow of a Digital Scholar. - Wendy Anderson, Brian Aitken, Rachael Hamilton:
A Digital Metaphor Map for English. - Peter Boot:
Dimensions of literary appreciation. Word use and ratings on a book discussion site. - Jane Hunter, John MacArthur, Deborah Van der Plaat, Janina Gosseye, Andrae Muys, Craig Macnamara, Gavin Bannerman:
Extracting Relationships from an Online Digital Archive about Post-War Queensland Architecture. - Walter Scholger:
Intellectual Property Rights vs. Freedom of Research: Tripping stones in international IPR law. - Kiyonori Nagasaki, A. Charles Muller, Toru Tomabechi, Masahiro Shimoda:
ridging the Local and the Global in DH: A Case Study in Japan. - Jyi-Shane Liu, Wen-Hung Liao:
Developing a Physical Interactive Space for Innovative Digital Humanities Exhibition. - Charles van den Heuvel, Tiemen Cocquyt, Maarten Hoogerwerf, Dylan Nagel, Michiel Thijssen:
Dynamic Visualizations In Enriched Publications Of Seventeenth Century Science. - Aaron Plasek, David L. Hoover:
Starting the Conversation: Literary Studies, Algorithmic Opacity, and Computer-Assisted Literary Insight. - Drayton Callen Benner:
Marrying the Benefits of Print and Digital: Algorithmically Selecting Context for a Key Word. - Jérôme Hennebert:
Quelle médiation numérique pour le patrimoine bâti ?. - John Bradley, Alice Rio, Matthew Hammond, Dauvit Broun:
Exploring a model for the semantics of Medieval Legal Charters. - Daniel Edward John Pett, Chiara Bonacchi, Andy Bevan:
Mixing contributions, collaborations and co-creation: participatory archaeology through crowd-sourcing. - Tanya E. Clement:
Developing for Distant Listening: Developing Computational Tools for Sound Analysis By Framing User Requirements within Critical Theories for Sound Studies. - Susan Schreibman:
Revisionism as Outreach: The Letters of 1916 Project. - Anthony Durity, James O'Sullivan:
On Reusability and Electronic Literature. - Hugh Craig, Maciej Eder, Fotis Jannidis, Mike Kestemont, Jan Rybicki, Christof Schöch:
Validating Computational Stylistics in Literary Interpretation. - James O'Sullivan, Katarzyna Bazarnik, Maciej Eder, Jan Rybicki:
Two Irish Birds: A Stylometric Analysis of James Joyce and Flann O'Brien. - Erhard W. Hinrichs, Steven Krauwer:
CLARIN: Resources, Tools, and Services for Digital Humanities Research. - Takako Hashimoto, Yukari Shirota:
Framework of an Advisory Message Board for Women Victims after Disasters. - Elizabeth M. Losh, Lev Manovich:
Visualizing Global News. - Jieh Hsiang, Lihua Chen, Chia-Hsuan Chung:
A glimpse of the change of worldview between 7th and 10th century China through two leishu. - Jean Marc Leblanc, Marie Pérès:
Modèles tridimensionnels pour la représentation de l'état des connaissances et propositions de visualisation pour l'analyse des corpus textuels.. - Gertjan Filarski, Hayco de Jong, Karina van Dalen-Oskam:
μServices and The Riddle of Literary Quality. - Corina Koolen, Sander Wubben, Andreas van Cranenburgh:
Beautiful lips and porcelain cheeks: extracting physical descriptions from recent Dutch fiction. - Cornell Alexander Jackson:
Using Social Network Analysis to Reveal Unseen Relationships in Medieval Scotland. - Robert C. H. Sweeny, Valerie C. Burton:
Realizing the democratic potential of online sources in the classroom. - Dotty J. Dye, Julie Beth Napolin, Elizabeth Cornell, Worthy Martin:
Digital Yoknapatawpha: Interpreting a Palimpsest of Place. - Thomas Burch, Joachim Berger:
Europe as a Digital Network: EGO European History Online. - Karl E. Grossner, Elijah Meeks:
Topotime: Representing historical temporality.