31st COMPSAC 2007: Beijing, China - Volume 1

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Security Track

Security in Communication

Modeling Security

Vulnerabilities - Detecting and Assessment

Infrastructure, Networking and Security


Design and Modeling

Putting Models to Run

Event-Based and State-Based Modeling

Ontology for Requirements Elicitation

Analysis & Modeling

Life Cycle

Internet and Web-Based Systems

Component-Based Software and Architecture

Embedded systems

Process and Maintenance

Quality of Service

Quality of Service and Performance

Quality of Service and Service Composition

Modeling and Validation for Quality of Service


Validation and Assessment


Coverage and Prioritization for Testing

Specification and Verification

Analysis and Testing

Quality, Diversity and Services

Industrial Track

Process Models

Data, Repositories, Design Methods

Networking and Distribution

Fast Abstract

Software Engineering Methods and Tools

Software Applications

Doctoral Symposium