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ACC 2015: Chicago, IL, USA
- American Control Conference, ACC 2015, Chicago, IL, USA, July 1-3, 2015. IEEE 2015, ISBN 978-1-4799-8684-2
- Selina Pan, Akhil Neti, Nikhil Neti, Andreas Hansen, J. Karl Hedrick:
Adaptive engine cold start emission control. 1-6 - Mehran Bidarvatan, Deepak Kothari, Mahdi Shahbakhti:
Integrated cycle-to-cycle control of exhaust gas temperature, load, and combustion phasing in an HCCI engine. 7-12 - Prasad Divekar, Qingyuan Tan, Ying Tan
, Xiang Chen, Ming Zheng:
Nonlinear model reference observer design for feedback control of a low temperature combustion diesel engine. 13-18 - Andreas Hansen, J. Karl Hedrick:
Nonlinear control design within the high level modeling framework for an engine cold start scenario. 19-24 - Denis V. Efimov
, Shifang Li, Yiran Hu, Steven E. Muldoon
, Hossein Javaherian, Vladimir Olegovich Nikiforov:
Application of interval observers to estimation and control of air-fuel ratio in a direct injection engine. 25-30 - Thomas A. Brewbaker:
Multivariable diesel low-pressure EGR controller designed by input-output linearization. 31-37 - Yeong-Hwa Chang
, Chun-I Wu, Cheng-Yuan Yang, Tsung-Hsun Yang:
Adaptive distributed dynamic surface formation controller design for multi-robot systems. 38-43 - Soumic Sarkar
, Indra Narayan Kar
Three time scale behaviour analysis of the Leader Follower formation of multiple groups of nonholonomic robots. 44-49 - Jan Strubel, Gregor Lucas Stein, Ulrich Konigorski:
Synchronization of heterogeneous agents using min-max optimization. 50-55 - Foroogh Shamsi, Heidar Ali Talebi
, Farzaneh Abdollahi
Output synchronization of multi-agent systems with nonlinear non-minimum phase dynamics. 56-61 - Georg S. Seyboth, Frank Allgöwer
Output synchronization of linear multi-agent systems under constant disturbances via distributed integral action. 62-67 - Salar Rahili, Wei Ren, Peng Lin:
Distributed convex optimization of time-varying cost functions for double-integrator systems using nonsmooth algorithms. 68-73 - Zibo Miao
, Michael R. Hush
, Matthew R. James:
Covariance matrix tracking coherent observers for linear quantum stochastic systems. 74-79 - Ian R. Petersen:
Time averaged consensus in a direct coupled distributed coherent quantum observer. 80-85 - Guodong Shi, Shuangshuang Fu
, Ian R. Petersen:
Quantum network reduced-state synchronization part I-convergence under directed interactions. 86-91 - Guodong Shi, Shuangshuang Fu
, Ian R. Petersen:
Quantum network reduced-state synchronization part II-the missing symmetry and switching interactions. 92-97 - Yu Pan, Valery A. Ugrinovskii, Matthew R. James:
Lyapunov analysis for coherent control of quantum systems by dissipation. 98-103 - Shuangshuang Fu
, Guodong Shi, Alexandre Proutière, Matthew R. James:
Feedback design for quantum state manipulation by measurements. 104-107 - Martin A. Sehr, Amit P. Pandey, Maurício C. de Oliveira
Robust stabilization of linear continuous-time parameter-varying systems without quadratic stability. 108-113 - Tamas Peni, Peter J. Seiler
Computation of a lower bound for the induced ℒ2 norm of LPV systems. 114-118 - Christian Hoffmann, Herbert Werner:
Compact LFT-LPV modeling with automated parameterization for efficient LPV controller synthesis. 119-124 - Gijs Hilhorst, Goele Pipeleers
, Wim Michiels, Ricardo C. L. F. Oliveira, Pedro Luis Dias Peres
, Jan Swevers:
Reduced-order ℋ2/ℋ∞ control of discrete-time LPV systems with experimental validation on an overhead crane test setup. 125-130 - Xinyu Shu, Pablo Ballesteros
, Christian Bohn:
Varying-sampling-time LPV control for rejecting harmonically related nonstationary multisine disturbances. 131-137 - Harald Pfifer
, Peter J. Seiler
Robustness analysis with parameter-varying integral quadratic constraints. 138-143 - Shirin Dadashi, J. Feaster, G. Bledt, J. Bayandor, Francine Battaglia
, Andrew Kurdila
Adaptive control for flapping wing robots with history dependent, unsteady aerodynamics. 144-151 - Tiago Roux Oliveira
, Miroslav Krstic
, Daisuke Tsubakino:
Multiparameter extremum seeking with output delays. 152-158 - Martin Guay, Isaac Vandermeulen, Sean Dougherty, P. James McLellan:
Distributed extremum-seeking control over networks of dynamic agents. 159-164 - Yajie Ma, Gang Tao, Bin Jiang, Hugh H. T. Liu:
Multiple-model based adaptive compensation of actuation sign uncertainty using an error transformation. 165-170 - Kumpati S. Narendra, Yu Wang, Wei Chen:
Extension of second level adaptation using multiple models to SISO systems. 171-176 - Robert Szukalski, Maximilian Mühlegg, Eric N. Johnson:
Consistency monitoring of Adaptive Controllers using Bayesian linear regression. 177-182 - Bao Liu, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li:
Multiple-model hypothesis testing based on 2-SPRT. 183-188 - Jackeline Abad Torres
, Rahul Dhal, Sandip Roy:
Detecting link failures in complex network processes using remote monitoring. 189-194 - Cheng-Zong Bai, Fabio Pasqualetti
, Vijay Gupta
Security in stochastic control systems: Fundamental limitations and performance bounds. 195-200 - Henrik Niemann
, Niels Kjølstad Poulsen
Estimation of parametric fault in closed-loop systems. 201-206 - Andrea Cristofaro
, Tor Arne Johansen:
An unknown input observer approach to icing detection for unmanned aerial vehicles with linearized longitudinal motion. 207-213 - Yulei Wang, Bingzhao Gao, Hong Chen:
Data-driven design of fault detection and isolation systems subject to Hammerstein nonlinearity. 214-219 - Daniel Hensley, Ryan Orendorff, Elaine Yu, Claus Danielson, Vasant Salgaonkar, Chris J. Diederich
Model predictive control for treating cancer with ultrasonic heating. 220-225 - Stefano Di Cairano:
Model adjustable predictive control with stability guarantees. 226-231 - Tomasz T. Gorecki, Altug Bitlislioglu, Giorgos Stathopoulos, Colin N. Jones
Guaranteeing input tracking for constrained systems: Theory and application to demand response. 232-237 - Tito L. M. Santos
, Alejandro H. González
Stable MPC with reduced representation for linear systems with multiple input delays. 238-243 - Frank Chuang, Francesco Borrelli
Dynamic state and input aggregation. 244-249 - Xin Wang, Jan Swevers:
Offset-free Energy-optimal Model Predictive Control for point-to-point motions. 250-255 - Hao Huang, Lei Chen
, Eric Hu:
A hybrid model predictive control scheme for energy and cost savings in commercial buildings: Simulation and experiment. 256-261 - Nikitha Radhakrishnan
, Yang Su, Rong Su
, Kameshwar Poolla:
Token based scheduling of HVAC Services in commercial buildings. 262-269 - Christopher J. Bay
, Bryan P. Rasmussen
Simulation and validation of interior and exterior navigational strategies for autonomous robotic assessments of energy. 270-275 - Paul Gallagher, Stefan Gunnsteinsson, Alan Morse, Michael Gevelber:
Airflow system identification analysis for optimizing commercial building VAV settings for improved energy efficiency. 276-280 - Vamsi Kalyan Putta, Donghun Kim
, Jie Cai, Jianghai Hu, James E. Braun:
A switched dynamic programming approach towards optimal control of multiple rooftop units. 281-287 - Meysam Razmara, Guna R. Bharati, Mahdi Shahbakhti, Sumit Paudyal, Rush D. Robinett:
Bidirectional optimal operation of smart building-to-grid systems. 288-293 - Xinfan Lin, Tae-Kyung Lee:
Space-resolved reduced order modeling of prismatic battery thermal dynamics. 294-298 - Nassim A. Samad, Jason B. Siegel
, Anna G. Stefanopoulou
, Aaron Knobloch:
Observability analysis for surface sensor location in encased battery cells. 299-304 - Harikesh Arunachalam, Simona Onori, Ilenia Battiato
Temperature-dependent multiscale-dynamics in Lithium-ion battery electrochemical models. 305-310 - Atsushi Baba, Shuichi Adachi:
Simultaneous state of charge and parameter estimation of lithium-ion battery using log-normalized unscented Kalman Filter. 311-316 - Yasha Parvini
, Ardalan Vahidi:
Maximizing charging efficiency of lithium-ion and lead-acid batteries using optimal control theory. 317-322 - Hector Eduardo Perez, Scott J. Moura:
Sensitivity-based interval PDE observer for battery SOC estimation. 323-328 - Stacy Patterson:
In-network leader selection for acyclic graphs. 329-334 - Kshitij Jerath, Sean Brennan
Identification of locally influential agents in self-organizing multi-agent systems. 335-340 - Thomas R. Nudell, Aranya Chakrabortty
Ensuring localizability of node attacks in consensus networks via feedback graph design. 341-346 - Haibin Shao, Lulu Pan, Mehran Mesbahi:
A data-driven approach for influencing consensus networks. 347-352 - Yancy Diaz-Mercado
, Sung G. Lee, Magnus Egerstedt:
Distributed dynamic density coverage for human-swarm interactions. 353-358 - Minghui Zhu, Yang Lu:
On confidentiality preserving monitoring of linear dynamic networks against inference attacks. 359-364 - Ziyue Ma
, ZhiWu Li, Alessandro Giua
A constraint transformation technique in Petri nets with backward-conflict-free uncontrollable structures. 365-370 - Kai Cai
, Renyuan Zhang, Walter Murray Wonham:
On relative coobservability of discrete-event systems. 371-376 - Xiang Yin, Stéphane Lafortune
A new approach for synthesizing opacity-enforcing supervisors for partially-observed discrete-event systems. 377-383 - Jan Komenda, Tomás Masopust
, Jan H. van Schuppen:
Multilevel coordination control of partially observed modular DES. 384-389 - Xiang Yin, Stéphane Lafortune
On the relationship between codiagnosability and coobservability under dynamic observations. 390-395 - Gustavo S. Viana
, João Carlos Basilio
, Marcos Vicente Moreira
Computation of the maximum time for failure diagnosis of discrete-event systems. 396-401 - Maxim Dolgov, Jörg Fischer, Uwe D. Hanebeck:
Infinite-horizon sequence-based networked control without acknowledgments. 402-408 - Raktim Bhattacharya:
A polynomial chaos framework for designing linear parameter varying control systems. 409-414 - Georg Schildbach, Manfred Morari:
Scenario MPC for linear time-varying systems with individual chance constraints. 415-421 - Megan A. Zagrobelny, James B. Rawlings:
Identifying the uncertainty structure using maximum likelihood estimation. 422-427 - Sakthi Thangavel
, Sergio Lucia
, Radoslav Paulen
, Sebastian Engell:
Towards dual robust nonlinear model predictive control: A multi-stage approach. 428-433 - Stanislav Aranovskiy
, Romeo Ortega
, Rafael Cisneros:
Robust PI passivity-based control of nonlinear systems: Application to port-Hamiltonian systems and temperature regulation. 434-439 - Hong Cai
, Yasamin Mostofi:
To ask or not to ask: A foundation for the optimization of human-robot collaborations. 440-446 - Lu Lu, John T. Wen
Human-robot cooperative control for mobility impaired individuals. 447-452 - Tina Setter, Hiroaki Kawashima, Magnus Egerstedt:
Team-level properties for haptic human-swarm interactions. 453-458 - Xiaotian Wang, Zhenwu Shi, Fumin Zhang
, Yue Wang
Mutual trust based scheduling for (semi)autonomous multi-agent systems. 459-464 - Changliu Liu, Masayoshi Tomizuka:
Safe exploration: Addressing various uncertainty levels in human robot interactions. 465-470 - Xingye Zhang, T. M. Seigler, Jesse B. Hoagg
Modeling the control strategies that humans use to control nonminimum-phase systems. 471-476 - Thomas Weiskircher, Beshah Ayalew:
Frameworks for interfacing trajectory tracking with predictive trajectory guidance for autonomous road vehicles. 477-482 - Chuan Hu, Rongrong Wang, Fengjun Yan, Mohammed Chadli
, Nan Chen:
Output constraint control on path following of four-wheel independently actuated autonomous vehicles. 483-488 - Rongrong Wang, Chuan Hu, Fengjun Yan, Mohammed Chadli
, Nan Chen:
Should the desired vehicle heading in path following of autonomous vehicles be the tangent direction of the desired path? 489-494 - Jinbiao Ning, Fengjun Yan:
Nonlinear Disturbance Observer design for estimation of ammonia storage ratio in selected catalytic reduction systems. 495-500 - Matthew D. Berkemeier:
Clothoid segments for optimal switching between arcs during low-speed Ackerman path tracking with rate-limited steering. 501-506 - Mojtaba Forghani
, John M. McNew, Daniel Hoehener, Domitilla Del Vecchio:
Safety control of a class of stochastic order preserving systems with application to collision avoidance near stop signs. 507-514 - Armin Zare, Mihailo R. Jovanovic
, Tryphon T. Georgiou
Alternating direction optimization algorithms for covariance completion problems. 515-520 - Rushikesh Kamalapurkar
, Joel A. Rosenfeld
, Warren E. Dixon
State following (StaF) kernel functions for function approximation part II: Adaptive dynamic programming. 521-526 - Ion Necoara, Rolf Findeisen
Parallel and distributed random coordinate descent method for convex error bound minimization. 527-532 - Jingyang Xu, Daniel Nikovski, Sae Kimura:
A framework for real-time near-optimal train run-curve computation with dynamic travel time and speed limits. 533-540 - Nikolaos Chatzipanagiotis, Michael M. Zavlanos:
On the convergence rate of a Distributed Augmented Lagrangian optimization algorithm. 541-546 - Jian Gong, Fengqi You
An efficient global optimization algorithm for mixed-integer nonlinear fractional programs with separable concave terms. 547-552 - Michael A. Demetriou
Gradient-ascent schemes for the guidance of mobile sensors used in the estimation of spatially distributed systems. 553-558 - Oyuna Angatkina
, Vivek Natarajan, Zhelin Chen
, Joseph Bentsman
Capturing and suppressing resonance in steel casting mold oscillation systems using Timoshenko beam model. 559-564 - Lea Sirota
, Yoram Halevi:
Fractional order control of flexible structures governed by the damped wave equation. 565-570 - Daisuke Tsubakino, Tiago Roux Oliveira
, Miroslav Krstic
Predictor-feedback for multi-input LTI systems with distinct delays. 571-576 - John A. Burns, Boris Kramer
Full flux models for optimization and control of heat exchangers. 577-582 - Farshid Abbasi
, Javad Mohammadpour:
Nonlinear model order reduction of Burgers' Equation using proper orthogonal decomposition. 583-588 - Giordano Scarciotti
, Alessandro Astolfi
Characterization of the moments of a linear system driven by explicit signal generators. 589-594 - Mitchel Craun, Bassam Bamieh
Control-oriented modeling of Stirling engine regenerators. 595-600 - Yujie Zhang, Yongsheng Ou:
Dissipativity-based model reduction for discrete-time piecewise homogeneous Markov jump Lur'e systems. 601-606 - Mark Trudgen, Javad Mohammadpour:
Lumped-parameter model development and robust control of systems governed by 2-D parabolic convection-diffusion equation. 607-612 - Parikshit Dutta:
Reduced order modeling for systems with parametric uncertainty using proper generalized decomposition. 613-618 - Chengjian Zheng, Yixuan Tan, John T. Wen
, Antoinette M. Maniatty:
Finite element model based temperature consensus control for material microstructure. 619-624 - Jan Maximilian Montenbruck, Mathias Bürger, Frank Allgöwer
Navigation and obstacle avoidance via backstepping for mechanical systems with drift in the closed loop. 625-630 - Naji Alibeji, Nicholas Andrew Kirsch, Nitin Sharma
Dynamic surface control of neuromuscular electrical stimulation of a musculoskeletal system with activation dynamics and an input delay. 631-636 - Andrey Gushchin, Enrique Mallada
, Ao Tang:
Synchronization of heterogeneous Kuramoto oscillators with arbitrary topology. 637-644 - Qixun Lan, Chuanlin Zhang
, Shihua Li
Global decentralized stabilization for a class of large-scale feedforward nonlinear systems. 645-650 - Abdul Saleem, Ashwini Ratnoo:
A nonlinear guidance law for impact time control. 651-656 - Phanindra Tallapragada:
A swimming robot with an internal rotor as a nonholonomic system. 657-662 - Samitha Samaranayake, Jack Reilly
, Walid Krichene, J. B. Lespiau, Maria Laura Delle Monache
, Paola Goatin, Alexandre M. Bayen:
Discrete-time system optimal dynamic traffic assignment (SO-DTA) with partial control for horizontal queuing networks. 663-670 - Zhe Dong:
Dissipation analysis and adaptive control of fluid networks. 671-676 - Mohammad Amin Rahimian
, Victor M. Preciado:
Failure detection and isolation in integrator networks. 677-682 - Justin R. Klotz, Serhat Obuz, Zhen Kan, Warren E. Dixon
Synchronization of uncertain Euler-Lagrange systems with unknown time-varying communication delays. 683-688 - Jerome Thai, Rim Hariss, Alexandre M. Bayen:
A multi-convex approach to latency inference and control in traffic equilibria from sparse data. 689-695 - Mohammad Hadi Zibaeenejad, John G. Thistle:
Dependency graph: An algorithm for analysis of generalized parameterized networks. 696-702 - Anirudh Allam, Simona Onori, Stefano Marelli, Carlo Taborelli:
Battery Health Management System for Automotive Applications: A retroactivity-based aging propagation study. 703-716 - Tae-Kyung Lee:
Development and implementation of control-oriented electrochemical battery models in a battery management system. 717-722 - Ying Shi, Kandler Smith, Eric Wood, Ahmad Pesaran:
A multi-node thermal system model for lithium-ion battery packs. 723-727 - Kandler Smith, Ying Shi, Shriram Santhanagopalan:
Degradation mechanisms and lifetime prediction for lithium-ion batteries - A control perspective. 728-730 - Anoop Jain
, Debasish Ghose:
Stabilization of collective motion in synchronized, balanced and splay phase arrangements on a desired circle. 731-736 - Qiang Jiao, Hamidreza Modares, Shengyuan Xu, Frank L. Lewis, Kyriakos G. Vamvoudakis
Disturbance rejection of multi-agent systems: A reinforcement learning differential game approach. 737-742 - Rawand E. Jalal
, Bryan P. Rasmussen
Neighbor-communication distributed model predictive control for coupled and constrained subsystems in networks. 743-749 - Sook Yen Lau, Wasif Naeem
Co-operative tensegrity-based formation control algorithm for a multi-aircraft system. 750-756