BibTeX record journals/ojcands/YamadaIKTKOSUNK22

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  author       = {Shota Yamada and
                  Motonori Ishii and
                  Shigetaka Kasuga and
                  Masato Takemoto and
                  Hiromu Kitajima and
                  Toru Okino and
                  Yusuke Sakata and
                  Manabu Usuda and
                  Yugo Nose and
                  Hiroshi Koshida and
                  Masaki Tamaru and
                  Akito Inoue and
                  Yuki Sugiura and
                  Shigeru Saito and
                  Taiki Kunikyo and
                  Yusuke Yuasa and
                  Kentaro Nakanishi and
                  Naoki Torazawa and
                  Takashi Shirono and
                  Tatsuya Kabe and
                  Shinzo Koyama and
                  Mitsuyoshi Mori and
                  Yutaka Hirose and
                  Masayuki Sawada and
                  Akihiro Odagawa and
                  Tsuyoshi Tanaka},
  title        = {A Nearly Interference-Free and Depth-Resolution-Configurable Time-of-Flight
                  System Based on a Mega-Pixel Vertical Avalanche Photodiodes {CMOS}
                  Image Sensor},
  journal      = {{IEEE} Open J. Circuits Syst.},
  volume       = {3},
  pages        = {324--335},
  year         = {2022},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.1109/OJCAS.2022.3216928},
  timestamp    = {Sun, 25 Dec 2022 14:02:52 +0100},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
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