BibTeX record journals/neuroimage/HerholzSPBHFSIM02

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  author       = {Karl Herholz and
                  Eric Salmon and
                  Daniela Perani and
                  Jean{-}Claude Baron and
                  Vjera Holthoff and
                  Lutz Fr{\"{o}}lich and
                  Peter Sch{\"{o}}nknecht and
                  K. Ito and
                  R. Mielke and
                  Elke Kalbe and
                  Gerhard Z{\"{u}}ndorf and
                  Xavier Delbeuck and
                  O. Pelati and
                  Davide Anchisi and
                  Ferruccio Fazio and
                  Nacer Kerrouche and
                  B{\'{e}}atrice Desgranges and
                  Francis Eustache and
                  Bettina Beuthien{-}Baumann and
                  C. Menzel and
                  J. Schr{\"{o}}der and
                  T. Kato and
                  Y. Arahata and
                  M. Henze and
                  W.{-}D. Heiss},
  title        = {Discrimination between Alzheimer Dementia and Controls by Automated
                  Analysis of Multicenter {FDG} {PET}},
  journal      = {NeuroImage},
  volume       = {17},
  number       = {1},
  pages        = {302--316},
  year         = {2002},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.1006/NIMG.2002.1208},
  timestamp    = {Mon, 22 Mar 2021 20:13:53 +0100},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
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