BibTeX record journals/jssc/KwonLKOPHKHPKKJ23

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  author       = {Dae{-}Han Kwon and
                  Seongju Lee and
                  Kyuyoung Kim and
                  Sanghoon Oh and
                  Joonhong Park and
                  Gimoon Hong and
                  Dongyoon Ka and
                  Kyu{-}Dong Hwang and
                  Jeongje Park and
                  Kyeong Pil Kang and
                  Jungyeon Kim and
                  Junyeol Jeon and
                  Nahsung Kim and
                  Yongkee Kwon and
                  Kornijcuk Vladimir and
                  Woojae Shin and
                  Jongsoon Won and
                  Minkyu Lee and
                  Hyunha Joo and
                  Haerang Choi and
                  Guhyun Kim and
                  Byeongju An and
                  Jaewook Lee and
                  Donguc Ko and
                  Younggun Jun and
                  Ilwoong Kim and
                  Choungki Song and
                  Ilkon Kim and
                  Chanwook Park and
                  Seho Kim and
                  Chunseok Jeong and
                  Euicheol Lim and
                  Dongkyun Kim and
                  Jieun Jang and
                  Il Park and
                  Junhyun Chun and
                  Joohwan Cho},
  title        = {A 1ynm 1.25V 8Gb 16Gb/s/Pin GDDR6-Based Accelerator-in-Memory Supporting
                  1TFLOPS {MAC} Operation and Various Activation Functions for Deep
                  Learning Application},
  journal      = {{IEEE} J. Solid State Circuits},
  volume       = {58},
  number       = {1},
  pages        = {291--302},
  year         = {2023},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.1109/JSSC.2022.3200718},
  timestamp    = {Sun, 15 Jan 2023 18:31:42 +0100},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}