BibTeX record journals/jib/BaigFKMVBBBBCCM21

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  author       = {Hasan Baig and
                  Pedro Fontanarossa and
                  Vishwesh Kulkarni and
                  James Alastair McLaughlin and
                  Prashant Vaidyanathan and
                  Bryan Bartley and
                  Shyam Bhakta and
                  Swapnil Bhatia and
                  Mike Bissell and
                  Kevin Clancy and
                  Robert Sidney Cox III and
                  {\'{A}}ngel Go{\~{n}}i Moreno and
                  Thomas E. Gorochowski and
                  Raik Gr{\"{u}}nberg and
                  Jihwan Lee and
                  Augustin Luna and
                  Curtis Madsen and
                  Goksel Misirli and
                  Tramy Nguyen and
                  Nicolas Le Nov{\`{e}}re and
                  Zachary Palchick and
                  Matthew R. Pocock and
                  Nicholas Roehner and
                  Herbert M. Sauro and
                  James Scott{-}Brown and
                  John T. Sexton and
                  Guy{-}Bart Stan and
                  Jeffrey J. Tabor and
                  Logan Terry and
                  Marta Vazquez Vilar and
                  Christopher A. Voigt and
                  Anil Wipat and
                  David Zong and
                  Zach Zundel and
                  Jacob Beal and
                  Chris J. Myers},
  title        = {Synthetic biology open language visual {(SBOL} Visual) version 2.3},
  journal      = {J. Integr. Bioinform.},
  volume       = {18},
  number       = {3},
  year         = {2021},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.1515/JIB-2020-0045},
  timestamp    = {Mon, 05 Feb 2024 20:25:17 +0100},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
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