BibTeX record journals/ijpr/RozanecNZKGSVPGMACMRKSTFMS23

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  author       = {Joze M. Rozanec and
                  Inna Novalija and
                  Patrik Zajec and
                  Klemen Kenda and
                  Hooman Tavakoli Ghinani and
                  Sungho Suh and
                  Entso Veliou and
                  Dimitrios Papamartzivanos and
                  Thanassis Giannetsos and
                  Sofia{-}Anna Menesidou and
                  Rub{\'{e}}n Alonso and
                  Nino Cauli and
                  Antonello Meloni and
                  Diego Reforgiato Recupero and
                  Dimosthenis Kyriazis and
                  Georgios Sofianidis and
                  Spyros Theodoropoulos and
                  Blaz Fortuna and
                  Dunja Mladenic and
                  John Soldatos},
  title        = {Human-centric artificial intelligence architecture for industry 5.0
  journal      = {Int. J. Prod. Res.},
  volume       = {61},
  number       = {20},
  pages        = {6847--6872},
  year         = {2023},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.1080/00207543.2022.2138611},
  timestamp    = {Sat, 30 Sep 2023 10:16:17 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
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