BibTeX record journals/eswa/AlighalehKRSE22

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  author       = {Pejman Alighaleh and
                  Hossein Khosravi and
                  Abbas Rohani and
                  Mohammad Hossein Saeidirad and
                  Soodabeh Einafshar},
  title        = {The detection of saffron adulterants using a deep neural network approach
                  based on {RGB} images taken under uncontrolled conditions},
  journal      = {Expert Syst. Appl.},
  volume       = {198},
  pages        = {116890},
  year         = {2022},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.1016/J.ESWA.2022.116890},
  timestamp    = {Wed, 18 May 2022 10:21:21 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}