BibTeX record journals/corr/abs-1711-06405

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  author       = {Charles C. Onu and
                  Innocent Udeogu and
                  Eyenimi Ndiomu and
                  Urbain Kengni and
                  Doina Precup and
                  Guilherme M. Sant'Anna and
                  Edward Alikor and
                  Peace Opara},
  title        = {Ubenwa: Cry-based Diagnosis of Birth Asphyxia},
  journal      = {CoRR},
  volume       = {abs/1711.06405},
  year         = {2017},
  url          = {},
  eprinttype    = {arXiv},
  eprint       = {1711.06405},
  timestamp    = {Mon, 13 Aug 2018 16:46:51 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}