BibTeX record journals/bioinformatics/RanzingerACKLOS15

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  author       = {Ren{\'{e}} Ranzinger and
                  Kiyoko F. Aoki{-}Kinoshita and
                  Matthew P. Campbell and
                  Shin Kawano and
                  Thomas L{\"{u}}tteke and
                  Shujiro Okuda and
                  Daisuke Shinmachi and
                  Toshihide Shikanai and
                  Hiromichi Sawaki and
                  Philip V. Toukach and
                  Masaaki Matsubara and
                  Issaku Yamada and
                  Hisashi Narimatsu},
  title        = {GlycoRDF: an ontology to standardize glycomics data in {RDF}},
  journal      = {Bioinform.},
  volume       = {31},
  number       = {6},
  pages        = {919--925},
  year         = {2015},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.1093/BIOINFORMATICS/BTU732},
  timestamp    = {Mon, 02 Mar 2020 16:22:50 +0100},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}