BibTeX record conf/tell/MairinojaLENKWS23

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  author       = {Laura Mairinoja and
                  Sonsoles L{\'{o}}pez{-}Pernas and
                  Ramy Elmoazen and
                  Einari A Niskanen and
                  Tiina Kuningas and
                  Anni W{\"{a}}rri and
                  Mohammed Saqr and
                  Leena Strauss},
  editor       = {Ramy Elmoazen and
                  Sonsoles L{\'{o}}pez{-}Pernas and
                  Kamila Misiejuk and
                  Mohammad Khalil and
                  Barbara Wasson and
                  Mohammed Saqr},
  title        = {International Online Team-based Learning in Higher Education of Biomedicine:
                  Evaluation by Learning Analytics},
  booktitle    = {Proceedings of the Technology-Enhanced Learning in Laboratories Workshop
                  {(TELL} 2023), Virtual Event organized by University of Eastern Finland,
                  Joensuu, Finland {\&} University of Bergen, Norway, April 26,
  series       = {{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings},
  volume       = {3393},
  pages        = {49--60},
  publisher    = {},
  year         = {2023},
  url          = {\_paper\_1668\_5.pdf},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 31 Aug 2023 17:03:37 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}