BibTeX record conf/sensys/OstermaierERFK08

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  author       = {Benedikt Ostermaier and
                  B. Maryam Elahi and
                  Kay R{\"{o}}mer and
                  Michael Fahrmair and
                  Wolfgang Kellerer},
  editor       = {Tarek F. Abdelzaher and
                  Margaret Martonosi and
                  Adam Wolisz},
  title        = {Dyser: towards a real-time search engine for the web of things},
  booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Embedded Networked
                  Sensor Systems, SenSys 2008, Raleigh, NC, USA, November 5-7, 2008},
  pages        = {429--430},
  publisher    = {{ACM}},
  year         = {2008},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.1145/1460412.1460487},
  timestamp    = {Sat, 30 Sep 2023 09:56:09 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}