BibTeX record conf/pci/AntoniouOBBV15

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  author       = {Angeliki Antoniou and
                  Jamie O'Brien and
                  Tiphaine Bardon and
                  Andrew Barnes and
                  Dane Virk},
  editor       = {Nikitas N. Karanikolas and
                  Demosthenes Akoumianakis and
                  Mara Nikolaidou and
                  Dimitrios D. Vergados and
                  Michalis Xenos and
                  George M. Giaglis and
                  Stefanos Gritzalis and
                  Lazaros F. Merakos and
                  Panagiotis Tsanakas and
                  Cleo Sgouropoulou},
  title        = {Micro-augmentations: situated calibration of a novel non-tactile,
                  peripheral museum technology},
  booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 19th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, {PCI}
                  2015, Athens, Greece, October 1-3, 2015},
  pages        = {229--234},
  publisher    = {{ACM}},
  year         = {2015},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.1145/2801948.2801959},
  timestamp    = {Tue, 06 Nov 2018 11:06:43 +0100},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
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