BibTeX record conf/odp/MahrG93

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  author       = {Bernd Mahr and
                  M. Gerneth},
  editor       = {Jan de Meer and
                  Bernd Mahr and
                  Silke Storp},
  title        = {Report on the Workshop "The Role of {ODP} in Medical Applications"},
  booktitle    = {Open Distributed Processing, {II:} Proceedings of the {IFIP} {TC6/WG6.1}
                  International Conference on Open Distributed Processing, Berlin, Germany,
                  13-16 September 1993},
  series       = {{IFIP} Transactions},
  volume       = {{C-20}},
  pages        = {387--394},
  publisher    = {North-Holland},
  year         = {1993},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 03 Jan 2002 12:06:41 +0100},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}