BibTeX record conf/mwcn/KanwarFTEVHAS21

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  author       = {John Kanwar and
                  Niclas Finne and
                  Nicolas Tsiftes and
                  Joakim Eriksson and
                  Thiemo Voigt and
                  Zhitao He and
                  Christer {\AA}hlund and
                  Saguna Saguna},
  editor       = {Le{\"{\i}}la Azouz Sa{\"{\i}}dane and
                  Mohamed Faten Zhani and
                  Aris Leivadeas and
                  Weverton Cordeiro and
                  Eirini{-}Eleni Tsiropoulou and
                  Thi Mai Trang Nguyen},
  title        = {JamSense: Interference and Jamming Classification for Low-power Wireless
  booktitle    = {13th {IFIP} Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference, {WMNC} 2021,
                  Montreal, QC, Canada, October 20-22, 2021},
  pages        = {9--16},
  publisher    = {{IEEE}},
  year         = {2021},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.23919/WMNC53478.2021.9619007},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 09 Dec 2021 16:14:40 +0100},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
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