BibTeX record conf/mie/KimuraHKCOMKMTM16

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  author       = {Eizen Kimura and
                  Koki Hamada and
                  Ryo Kikuchi and
                  Koji Chida and
                  Kazuya Okamoto and
                  Shirou Manabe and
                  Tomohiro Kuroda and
                  Yasushi Matsumura and
                  Toshihiro Takeda and
                  Naoki Mihara},
  editor       = {Alexander H{\"{o}}rbst and
                  Werner O. Hackl and
                  Nicolette de Keizer and
                  Hans{-}Ulrich Prokosch and
                  Mira Hercigonja{-}Szekeres and
                  Simon de Lusignan},
  title        = {Evaluation of Secure Computation in a Distributed Healthcare Setting},
  booktitle    = {Exploring Complexity in Health: An Interdisciplinary Systems Approach
                  - Proceedings of {MIE2016} at HEC2016, Munich, Germany, 28 August
                  - 2 September 2016},
  series       = {Studies in Health Technology and Informatics},
  volume       = {228},
  pages        = {152--156},
  publisher    = {{IOS} Press},
  year         = {2016},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.3233/978-1-61499-678-1-152},
  timestamp    = {Wed, 17 May 2017 10:54:51 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}