BibTeX record conf/kdd/OkawaI0TKK21

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  author       = {Maya Okawa and
                  Tomoharu Iwata and
                  Yusuke Tanaka and
                  Hiroyuki Toda and
                  Takeshi Kurashima and
                  Hisashi Kashima},
  editor       = {Feida Zhu and
                  Beng Chin Ooi and
                  Chunyan Miao},
  title        = {Dynamic Hawkes Processes for Discovering Time-evolving Communities'
                  States behind Diffusion Processes},
  booktitle    = {{KDD} '21: The 27th {ACM} {SIGKDD} Conference on Knowledge Discovery
                  and Data Mining, Virtual Event, Singapore, August 14-18, 2021},
  pages        = {1276--1286},
  publisher    = {{ACM}},
  year         = {2021},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.1145/3447548.3467248},
  timestamp    = {Mon, 16 Aug 2021 16:18:50 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
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