BibTeX record conf/isscc/ChoJKNLNKLCKLCJ22

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  author       = {Wanik Cho and
                  Jongseok Jung and
                  Jongwoo Kim and
                  Junghoon Nam and
                  Sangkyu Lee and
                  Yujong Noh and
                  Dauni Kim and
                  Wanseob Lee and
                  Kayoung Cho and
                  Kwanho Kim and
                  Heejoo Lee and
                  Sooyeol Chai and
                  Eunwoo Jo and
                  Hanna Cho and
                  Jong{-}Seok Kim and
                  Chankeun Kwon and
                  Cheolioona Park and
                  Hveonsu Nam and
                  Haeun Won and
                  Taeho Kim and
                  Kyeonghwan Park and
                  Sanghoon Oh and
                  Jinhyun Ban and
                  Junyoung Park and
                  Jae{-}Hyeon Shin and
                  Taisik Shin and
                  Junseo Jang and
                  Jiseong Mun and
                  Jehyun Choi and
                  Hyunseung Choi and
                  Sung{-}Wook Choi and
                  Wonsun Park and
                  Dongkvu Yoon and
                  Minsu Kim and
                  Junyoun Lim and
                  Chiwook An and
                  Hyunyoung Shirr and
                  Haesoon Oh and
                  Haechan Park and
                  Sungbo Shim and
                  Hwang Huh and
                  Honasok Choi and
                  Seungpil Lee and
                  Jaesuna Sim and
                  Kichan Gwon and
                  Jumsoo Kim and
                  Woopyo Jeong and
                  Jungdal Choi and
                  Kyowon Jin},
  title        = {A 1-Tb, 4b/Cell, 176-Stacked-WL 3D-NAND Flash Memory with Improved
                  Read Latency and a 14.8Gb/mm2 Density},
  booktitle    = {{IEEE} International Solid-State Circuits Conference, {ISSCC} 2022,
                  San Francisco, CA, USA, February 20-26, 2022},
  pages        = {134--135},
  publisher    = {{IEEE}},
  year         = {2022},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.1109/ISSCC42614.2022.9731785},
  timestamp    = {Mon, 26 Jun 2023 20:40:01 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
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