BibTeX record conf/iscram/SimoesRPS11

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  author       = {Andr{\'{e}} Sim{\~{o}}es and
                  Armanda Rodrigues and
                  Patricia Pires and
                  Lu{\'{\i}}s S{\'{a}}},
  editor       = {Maria A. Santos and
                  Lu{\'{\i}}sa Sousa and
                  Eliane Portela},
  title        = {Evaluating emergency scenarios using historic data: Flood management},
  booktitle    = {8th Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems
                  for Crisis Response and Management, Lisbon, Portugal, May, 2011},
  publisher    = {LNEC, Lisbon, Portugal},
  year         = {2011},
  url          = {\_Simoes\_etal2011.pdf},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 10 Nov 2022 16:58:41 +0100},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
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