BibTeX record conf/ifip3/KakeshitaIIMMMN21

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  author       = {Tetsuro Kakeshita and
                  Kazuo Ishii and
                  Yoshiharu Ishikawa and
                  Hitoshi Matsubara and
                  Yutaka Matsuo and
                  Tsuyoshi Murata and
                  Miyuki Nakano and
                  Takako Nakatani and
                  Haruhiko Okumura and
                  Naoko Takahashi and
                  Norimitsu Takahashi and
                  Gyo Uchida and
                  Eriko Uematsu and
                  Satoshi Saeki and
                  Hiroshi Kato},
  editor       = {Don Passey and
                  Denise Leahy and
                  Lawrence Williams and
                  Jaana Holvikivi and
                  Mikko Ruohonen},
  title        = {Development of {IPSJ} Data Science Curriculum Standard},
  booktitle    = {Digital Transformation of Education and Learning - Past, Present and
                  Future - {IFIP} {TC} 3 Open Conference on Computers in Education,
                  {OCCE} 2021, Tampere, Finland, August 17-20, 2021, Proceedings},
  series       = {{IFIP} Advances in Information and Communication Technology},
  volume       = {642},
  pages        = {156--167},
  publisher    = {Springer},
  year         = {2021},
  url          = {\_13},
  doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-97986-7\_13},
  timestamp    = {Sat, 30 Sep 2023 09:47:50 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
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