BibTeX record conf/icra/AraiKFMO98

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  author       = {Fumihito Arai and
                  Akiko Kawaji and
                  Toshio Fukuda and
                  Hideo Matsuura and
                  Hiroshi Ota},
  title        = {Safety Oriented Mechanism and Control Using {ER} Fluid in the Joint},
  booktitle    = {Proceedings of the {IEEE} International Conference on Robotics and
                  Automation, ICRA-98, Leuven, Belgium, May 16-20, 1998},
  pages        = {2482--2487},
  publisher    = {{IEEE} Computer Society},
  year         = {1998},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.1109/ROBOT.1998.680714},
  timestamp    = {Mon, 22 May 2017 17:12:13 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}