BibTeX record conf/hotchips/DitzelEABBBHIIJ21

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  author       = {David R. Ditzel and
                  Roger Espasa and
                  Nivard Aymerich and
                  Allen Baum and
                  Tom Berg and
                  Jim Burr and
                  Eric Hao and
                  Jayesh Iyer and
                  Miquel Izquierdo and
                  Shankar Jayaratnam and
                  Darren Jones and
                  Chris Klingner and
                  Jin Kim and
                  Stephen Lee and
                  Marc Lupon and
                  Grigorios Magklis and
                  Bojan Maric and
                  Rajib Nath and
                  Mike Neilly and
                  J. Duane Northcutt and
                  Bill Orner and
                  Jose Renau and
                  Gerard Reves and
                  Xavier Reves and
                  Tom Riordan and
                  Pedro Sanchez and
                  Sridhar Samudrala and
                  Guillem Sole and
                  Raymond Tang and
                  Tommy Thorn and
                  Francisco Torres and
                  Sebastia Tortella and
                  Daniel Yau},
  title        = {Accelerating {ML} Recommendation with over a Thousand RISC-V/Tensor
                  Processors on Esperanto's ET-SoC-1 Chip},
  booktitle    = {{IEEE} Hot Chips 33 Symposium, {HCS} 2021, Palo Alto, CA, USA, August
                  22-24, 2021},
  pages        = {1--23},
  publisher    = {{IEEE}},
  year         = {2021},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.1109/HCS52781.2021.9566904},
  timestamp    = {Mon, 25 Oct 2021 18:04:14 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
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