BibTeX record conf/csreaESA/KwonKLBK08

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  author       = {Soongyu Kwon and
                  Hojun Kim and
                  Chaeseok Lim and
                  Dae Jin Bae and
                  Jong Tae Kim},
  editor       = {Hamid R. Arabnia and
                  Youngsong Mun},
  title        = {Power Prediction of Application Software for Embedded System Based
                  on {PXA270} Processor},
  booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Embedded Systems
                  {\&} Applications, {USA} 2008, July 14-17, 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada,
  pages        = {39--42},
  publisher    = {{CSREA} Press},
  year         = {2008},
  timestamp    = {Tue, 10 Feb 2009 12:28:13 +0100},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}