BibTeX record conf/csoc/FoxB15

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  author       = {Richard Fox and
                  Yuliya Bui},
  editor       = {Radek Silhavy and
                  Roman Senkerik and
                  Zuzana Kom{\'{\i}}nkov{\'{a}} Oplatkov{\'{a}} and
                  Zdenka Prokopova and
                  Petr Silhavy},
  title        = {An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Nutritional Meal Planning for
                  Cancer Patients},
  booktitle    = {Artificial Intelligence Perspectives and Applications - Proceedings
                  of the 4th Computer Science On-line Conference 2015 (CSOC2015), Vol
                  1: Artificial Intelligence Perspectives and Applications},
  series       = {Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing},
  volume       = {347},
  pages        = {215--224},
  publisher    = {Springer},
  year         = {2015},
  url          = {\_22},
  doi          = {10.1007/978-3-319-18476-0\_22},
  timestamp    = {Fri, 02 Nov 2018 09:47:15 +0100},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
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