BibTeX record conf/chr/BaumannS21

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  author       = {Timo Baumann and
                  Ashutosh Saboo},
  editor       = {Maud Ehrmann and
                  Folgert Karsdorp and
                  Melvin Wevers and
                  Tara Lee Andrews and
                  Manuel Burghardt and
                  Mike Kestemont and
                  Enrique Manjavacas and
                  Michael Piotrowski and
                  Joris van Zundert},
  title        = {Evaluating Heuristics for Audio-Visual Translation},
  booktitle    = {Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Humanities Research,
                  CHR2021, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 17-19, 2021},
  series       = {{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings},
  volume       = {2989},
  pages        = {171--180},
  publisher    = {},
  year         = {2021},
  url          = {\_paper46.pdf},
  timestamp    = {Fri, 10 Mar 2023 16:22:32 +0100},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}