BibTeX record conf/biostec/Colon-LorenzoSNWRG10

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  author       = {Emilee E. Col{\'{o}}n{-}Lorenzo and
                  Adelfa E. Serrano and
                  Hugh B. Nicholas Jr. and
                  Troy Wymore and
                  Alexander Ropelewski and
                  Ricardo Gonz{\'{a}}lez{-}M{\'{e}}ndez},
  editor       = {Ana L. N. Fred and
                  Joaquim Filipe and
                  Hugo Gamboa},
  title        = {The Plasmodium Glutathione S-transferase - Bioinformatics Characterization
                  and Classification into the Sigma Class},
  booktitle    = {{BIOINFORMATICS} 2010 - Proceedings of the First International Conference
                  on Bioinformatics, Valencia, Spain, January 20-23, 2010},
  pages        = {173--180},
  publisher    = {{INSTICC} Press},
  year         = {2010},
  timestamp    = {Fri, 29 Apr 2011 08:58:22 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
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