BibTeX record conf/ahfe/KatoNK17

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  author       = {Hiroya Kato and
                  Toru Nakata and
                  Toshikazu Kato},
  editor       = {WonJoon Chung and
                  Cliff Sungsoo Shin},
  title        = {Modeling the Relationship Between Stress and Appetite to Create a
                  Dish Recommendation System Based on Desired Nutrients},
  booktitle    = {Advances in Affective and Pleasurable Design - Proceedings of the
                  {AHFE} 2017 International Conference on Affective and Pleasurable
                  Design, July 17-21, 2017, The Westin Bonaventure Hotel, Los Angeles,
                  California, {USA}},
  series       = {Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing},
  volume       = {585},
  pages        = {379--386},
  publisher    = {Springer},
  year         = {2017},
  url          = {\_40},
  doi          = {10.1007/978-3-319-60495-4\_40},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 23 Sep 2021 11:47:47 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}