BibTeX record conf/acl/BasiliCPPRSWWZ01

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  author       = {Roberto Basili and
                  Roberta Catizone and
                  Llu{\'{\i}}s Padr{\'{o}} and
                  Maria Teresa Pazienza and
                  German Rigau and
                  Andrea Setzer and
                  Nick Webb and
                  Yorick Wilks and
                  Fabio Massimo Zanzotto},
  title        = {Multilingual Authoring: the {NAMIC} Approach},
  booktitle    = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Human Language Technology and Knowledge
                  Management@ACL 2001, Toulouse, France, July 9-11, 2001},
  year         = {2001},
  url          = {},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 09 Dec 2021 09:24:09 +0100},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
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