BibTeX record conf/6gsummit/MoermanZSSDDFR020

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  author       = {Ingrid Moerman and
                  Djamal Zeghlache and
                  Adnan Shahid and
                  Joao F. Santos and
                  Luiz A. DaSilva and
                  Klaus David and
                  John R. Farserotu and
                  Ad de Ridder and
                  Wei Liu and
                  Jeroen Hoebeke},
  title        = {Mandate-driven Networking Eco-system: {A} Paradigm Shift in End-to-End
  booktitle    = {2nd 6G Wireless Summit, 6G {SUMMIT} 2020, Levi, Finland, March 17-20,
  pages        = {1--6},
  publisher    = {{IEEE}},
  year         = {2020},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.1109/6GSUMMIT49458.2020.9083766},
  timestamp    = {Fri, 09 Apr 2021 18:56:07 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}