BibTeX records: Jukka Klem

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  author       = {Alessandra Fanfani and
                  M. Anzar Afaq and
                  Jose Afonso Sanches and
                  Julia Andreeva and
                  Giuseppe Bagliesi and
                  Lothar Bauerdick and
                  Stefano Belforte and
                  Patricia Bittencourt Sampaio and
                  Kenneth Bloom and
                  Barry Blumenfeld and
                  Daniele Bonacorsi and
                  Chris Brew and
                  Marco Calloni and
                  Daniele Cesini and
                  Mattia Cinquilli and
                  Giuseppe Codispoti and
                  Jorgen D'Hondt and
                  Liang Dong and
                  Danilo N. Dongiovanni and
                  Giacinto Donvito and
                  David Dykstra and
                  Erik Edelmann and
                  Ricky Egeland and
                  Peter Elmer and
                  Giulio Eulisse and
                  Dave Evans and
                  Federica Fanzago and
                  Fabio Farina and
                  Derek Feichtinger and
                  Ian Fisk and
                  Josep Flix and
                  Claudio Grandi and
                  Yuyi Guo and
                  Kalle Happonen and
                  Jos{\'{e}} M. Hern{\'{a}}ndez and
                  Chih{-}Hao Huang and
                  Kejing Kang and
                  Edward Karavakis and
                  Matthias Kasemann and
                  Carlos Kavka and
                  Akram Khan and
                  Bockjoo Kim and
                  Jukka Klem and
                  Jesper Koivum{\"{a}}ki and
                  Thomas Kress and
                  Peter Kreuzer and
                  Tibor Kurca and
                  Valentin Kuznetsov and
                  Stefano Lacaprara and
                  Kati Lassila{-}Perini and
                  James Letts and
                  Tomas Lind{\'{e}}n and
                  Lee Lueking and
                  Joris Maes and
                  Nicol{\`{o}} Magini and
                  Gerhild Maier and
                  Patricia McBride and
                  Simon Metson and
                  Vincenzo Miccio and
                  Sanjay Padhi and
                  Haifeng Pi and
                  Hassen Riahi and
                  Daniel Riley and
                  Paul Rossman and
                  Pablo Saiz and
                  Andrea Sartirana and
                  Andrea Sciab{\`{a}} and
                  Vijay Sekhri and
                  Daniele Spiga and
                  Lassi A. Tuura and
                  Eric Vaandering and
                  Lukas Vanelderen and
                  Petra Van Mulders and
                  Aresh Vedaee and
                  Ilaria Villella and
                  Eric Wicklund and
                  Tony Wildish and
                  Christoph Wissing and
                  Frank W{\"{u}}rthwein},
  title        = {Distributed Analysis in {CMS}},
  journal      = {J. Grid Comput.},
  volume       = {8},
  number       = {2},
  pages        = {159--179},
  year         = {2010},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.1007/S10723-010-9152-1},
  timestamp    = {Sat, 30 Sep 2023 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Tapio Niemi and
                  Jukka Kommeri and
                  Kalle Happonen and
                  Jukka Klem and
                  Ari{-}Pekka Hameri},
  editor       = {Nabil Abdennadher and
                  Dana Petcu},
  title        = {Improving Energy-Efficiency of Grid Computing Clusters},
  booktitle    = {Advances in Grid and Pervasive Computing, 4th International Conference,
                  {GPC} 2009, Geneva, Switzerland, May 4-8, 2009. Proceedings},
  series       = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume       = {5529},
  pages        = {110--118},
  publisher    = {Springer},
  year         = {2009},
  url          = {\_11},
  doi          = {10.1007/978-3-642-01671-4\_11},
  timestamp    = {Tue, 14 May 2019 10:00:51 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
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