Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), Volume 79

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Volume 79, Number 1, January 2006

Special section on Software Architecture

Volume 79, Number 2, February 2006

Special section on Software Architecture

Volume 79, Number 3, March 2006

Special section on Software Architecture

Volume 79, Number 4, April 2006

Special section on Software Architecture

Volume 79, Number 5, May 2006

Special section on Quality Software Regular papers Book review

Volume 79, Number 6, June 2006

Special Section on Software Architecture

Volume 79, Number 7, July 2006

Selected papers from the 11th Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC2004) Regular papers

Volume 79, Number 8, August 2006

Special Section on Software Architecture

Volume 79, Number 9, September 2006

Selected papers from the fourth Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM 2004) Workshop Regular papers

Volume 79, Number 10, October 2006

Architecting Dependable Systems Regular papers

Volume 79, Number 11, November 2006

Software Cybernetics Regular papers

Volume 79, Number 12, December 2006

Special Section on Software Architecture