International Symposium on Computer Modeling, Measurement and Evaluation (Performance)

Venue statistics

records by year

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    frequent authors

      Venue Information

      39th Performance 2021: Milan, Italy [virtual]

      Performance 2021 Home Page

      Proceedings: Perform. Evaluation 151

      Proceedings: Perform. Evaluation 152

      Proceedings: Perform. Evaluation 153

      38th Performance 2020: Milan, Italy [virtual]

      Proceedings: Perform. Evaluation 143

      Proceedings: Perform. Evaluation 144

      Proceedings: Perform. Evaluation 145

      Performance 2018: Toulouse, France

      Proceedings: SIGMETRICS Perform. Evaluation Rev. 46(3)

      Performance 2017: New York, NY, USA

      Proceedings: SIGMETRICS Perform. Evaluation Rev. 45(3)

      Performance 2015: Sydney, NSW, Australia

      Proceedings: Perform. Evaluation 91

      Performance 2014: Turin, Italy

      Proceedings: Perform. Evaluation 79

      Performance 2013: Vienna, Austria

      Proceedings: Perform. Evaluation 70(10)

      Performance 2011: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

      Proceedings: Perform. Evaluation 68(11)

      Performance 2010: Namur, Belgium

      Proceedings: Perform. Evaluation 67(11)

      26th Performance 2007: Cologne, Germany

      Proceedings: Perform. Evaluation 64(9-12)

      Performance 2005: Juan-les-Pins, France

      Performance 2005 Home Page

      Proceedings: Perform. Evaluation 62

      Performance 2002: Rome, Italy

      Selected Papers: Perform. Evaluation 49

      14th Performance 1990: Edinburgh, Scotland

      12th Performance 1987: Brussels, Belgium

      10th Performance 1984: Paris, France

      9th Performance 1983: College Park, Maryland, USA

      6th Performance 1980: Toronto, ON, Canada

      5th Performance 1979: Vienna, Austria

      3rd Performance 1977: Bonn - Bad Godesberg, Germany

      2nd Performance 1976: Ispra (Varese), Italy