Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics (MFPS)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      39th MFPS 2023: Bloomington, IN, USA

      MFPS 2023 Home Page

      38th MFPS 2022: Ithaca, NY, USA / Paris, France / Online

      37th MFPS 2021: Salzburg, Austria / Online

      36th MFPS 2020: Online

      35th MFPS 2019: London, UK

      34th MFPS 2018: Halifax, Canada

      33rd MFPS 2017: Ljubljana, Slovenia

      32nd MFPS 2016: Pittsburgh, PA, USA

      31st MFPS 2015: Nijmegen, The Netherlands

      30th MFPS 2014: Ithaca, NY, USA

      29th MFPS 2013: New Orleans, LA, USA

      28th MFPS 2012: Bath, UK

      27th MFPS 2011: Pittsburgh, PA, USA

      26th MFPS 2010: Ottawa, ON, Canada

      25th MFPS 2009: Oxford, UK

      24th MFPS 2008: Philadelphia, PA, USA

      23rd MFPS 2007: New Orleans, LA, USA

      22nd MFPS 2006: Genova, Italy

      21st MFPS 2005: Birmingham, UK

      19th MFPS 2003: Montréal, QC, Canada

      17th MFPS 2001: Aarhus, Denmark

      15th MFPS 1999: New Orleans, LA, USA

      13th MFPS 1997: Pittsburgh, PA, USA

      11th MFPS 1995: New Orleans, LA, USA

      9th MFPS 1993: New Orleans, LA, USA

      7th MFPS 1991: Pittsburgh, PA, USA

      5th MFPS 1989: New Orleans, LA, USA

      3rd MFPS 1987: New Orleans, LA, USA

      MFPS 1985: Manhattan, KS, USA