ICSLP 1990: Kobe, Japan

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Temporal Control in the Spoken Language

Speech Analysis

Voice Source Dynamics; Facts and Models

Speech Coding and Transmission

Extraction and Processing of Voice Individuality

Voice Source Characteristics and Synthesis

Speech Recognition and Enhancement

Synthesis of Spoken Language

Phoneme Recognition

Recent Progress in Speech Perception Research

Speech Production, Prosody and Analysis

The Role of Prosody in Production and Perception of Spoken Language

Word Recognition

Perception of Spoken Language

Perception, Impairments/Aids, Phonetics in Language Teaching and Speech Coding

Neural Networks for Speech Processing I, II

Continuous Speech Recognition

Modeling of First and Second Language Acquisition

Application of Speech Recognition / Synthesis Technologies

Language Modeling

Phonetics and Phonology

Assessment / Human Factors, Database and Neural Networks

Speech I/O Assessment and Database I, II

Speech Recognition in Noisy Environments

Foreign Language Teaching

Continuous Speech Recognition and Speaker Recognition

Dialogue Modeling and Processing

Language Acquisition

Plenary Lectures