Workshop on Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages (FOAL)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      15th FOAL 2016: Málaga, Spain

      14th FOAL 2015: Fort Collins, CO, USA

      13th FOAL 2014: Lugano, Switzerland

      12th FOAL 2013: Fukuoka, Japan

      11th FOAL 2012: Potsdam, Germany

      10th FOAL 2011: Porto de Galinhas, Brazil

      9th FOAL 2010: Rennes and Saint-Malo, France

      8th FOAL 2009: Charlottesville, Virginia, USA

      7th FOAL 2008: Brussels, Belgium

      6th FOAL 2007: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

      5th FOAL 2006: Bonn, Germany

      4th FOAL 2005: Chicago, Illinois, USA

      3rd FOAL 2004: Lancaster, UK

      2nd FOAL 2003: Boston, Massachusetts, USA

      1st FOAL 2002: nschede, The Netherlands