European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS)

Venue statistics

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      Venue Information

      37th ECMS 2023: Florence, Italy

      36th ECMS 2022: Ålesund, Norway

      35th ECMS 2021: Virtual Event, UK

      34th ECMS 2020: Wildau, Germany

      33rd ECMS 2019: Caserta, Italy

      32nd ECMS 2018: Wilhelmshaven, Germany

      31st ECMS 2017: Budapest, Hungary

      30th ECMS 2016: Regensburg, Germany

      29th ECMS 2015: Albena (Varna), Bulgaria

      28th ECMS 2014: Brescia, Italy

      27th ECMS 2013: Ålesund, Norway

      26th ECMS 2012: Koblenz, Germany

      25th ECMS 2011: Krakow, Poland

      24th ECMS 2010: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

      23rd ECMS 2009: Madrid, Spain

      22nd ECMS 2008: Nicosia, Cyprus

      21st ECMS 2007: Prague, Czech Republic

      20th ECMS 2006: Bonn, Germany

      19th ECMS 2005: Riga, Latvia

      a service of  Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics